Tobacco Control in Thailand a bridge NOT too far - 11 April 2019
Tobacco Control in Thailand a bridge NOT too far - 11 April 2019
Tobacco Control in Thailand a bridge NOT too far - 11 April 2019
Tobacco Products Control Act 2560
Thailand_Tobacco Product Control Act B.E. 2560 (2017)
Newly released FCTC pubIication:The Tobacco Industry and the Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products.
A smoker since age 14, Lawson later appeared in an anti-smoking commercial that parodied the Marlboro man and an "Entertainment Tonight" segment to discuss the negative effects of smoking.
100 Years Of Smoking Studies In Popular Science
Kingdom’s habit hard to kick
“There are those who may argue from the economic standpoint that tobacco is one of the factors that can generate revenue. However, from another perspective, others found as a matter of fact that smoking brings with it grave dangers that pose a threat to health, and indeed life itself.
While public health is traditionally considered the ambit of ministries of health, given the inter-linkages between various social sectors and the growing trend of globalization and international cooperation, public health should more realistically be deemed a responsibility of all.
The rapid reduction of tobacco consumption in Japan was a popular topic of discussion and interest at the meeting 171, which is the 4th session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (COP4), held on 15-20 November 2010, in Uruguay.
Prohibition of the World From Flavored Tobacco
The new graphic health warning regulation of Thailand has been printed in the Royal Gazette on September 30, 2009. It will become effective in six months, allowing another three months for the phase out of products with the old warnings. Lobbying by the industry prevented a shorter phase out. In addition, one cigarette company submitted a letter questioning the health benefit of increasing the size of the graphic warnings from 50 to 55%. Obviously, if there really were no benefit, then there would be no reason to oppose the change.
Packaging and Labeling of Tobacco Products
Lesson learn 10 years