Over 125 Organizations Call on Social Media Companies to End All Tobacco Advertising, Including by Paid Influencers
Late last week, Facebook quietly released an update to its policy on tobacco and alcohol content on its platform as well as Instagram. The text of the policy and limited coverage of this update has been confusing so we want to make sure you have the facts and invite you to join the next action. https://influencer-sign-on.typeform.com/to/gHXDZ4
What you need to know about Facebook’s policy announcement regarding tobacco products:
Facebook and Instagram’s policy update does nothing to address the most egregious way tobacco companies are using social media to advertise their products: through influencer marketing (incentivized partnerships with online personalities with significant followings to promote tobacco products).
Facebook/Instagram’s policy update is focused ONLY on content regarding the sale or gifting of tobacco products. The policy update prohibits "content that attempts to offer, sell, gift, exchange, or transfer alcohol or tobacco products between private individuals.”
The policy update does not appear to address the sale or promotion of e-cigarettes.
Facebook is under pressure to do better to protect its users, making it critical we urgently respond to this latest policy update.
Please join the campaign:
CLICK HERE to join https://influencer-sign-on.typeform.com/to/gHXDZ4 the sign on letter to Facebook calling on them to immediately end influencer promotion of tobacco products. Our plan is to deliver the sign-on letter on Thursday, August 8.
Forward this message to your partners asking them to join, as well
Make sure your staff knows the facts about Facebook’s policy update in case they receive questions from lawmakers, regulators, or reporters.
Please email info@tobaccofreekids.org if you see a promotion for tobacco products on Facebook or Instagram in your country.
We are updating our resources with this latest information and will keep you posted on any developments. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns and thank you in advance for your help.
Debra Rosen
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, TakeAPart Project